Friday, September 3, 2010

Are we really so naive to believe that the political parties (Republican or Democrat) in this nation today, those who presently hold the clout sitting in every seat in Congress, ever even consider the American People, or the fate of this nation in their decisions?

And if so, why would we have such a delusion?

Where are the examples, currently that our nation has anyone who is even cognitive of what to do in correcting the direction of this nation?

Let’s look at it from a simple, just take it as it’s presented, watch the news, and identify what we are doing in this nation.

First: what makes a nation such as America different from others? Isn’t it a little strange to listen to the ‘leader’ of this nation, tell the world that we have no exceptionalism, that we are as but any of the some two hundred other nations on the face of this planet.

Really? Can anyone believe that? And if so, can anyone, anywhere, under any other government show one example of what country has just one concept, one idea, one governance of protection that is anywhere near what we have in this nation?

Or is reality, reality, and this isn’t some play on words of what your definition of ‘is’, ‘is’.

What is the difference between the political parties? Well we hear that there is a large difference. And we must admit that’s true. We know the Democrats are damn determined to make this nation some mirrored image of the socialistic democracies of Europe. Accelerated with the election of the greatest fraud, the most incompetent, most anti-American nihilist, who not only doesn’t understand our government, he doesn’t even understand the concept of capitalism, or free enterprise.

But what do we have to say about the Republican Party? Have they been jumping in when they have the power to correct, and shrink the monstrosity of government? If so then why was the administration of George Bush the largest increase in government employment, until this latest demagogue?

No we have to send a new message to Washington, and where will be the first place the first little segment of American that will stand for America, and truly send a message that ‘we as the American People aren’t going to take it anymore?

And if we are to send a message, how do we do it?

Let’s see, Albert Einstein once said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". Doesn’t this sound somewhat familiar?

We’ve elected Democrats, knowing they are socialist, and now we are seeing they are nihilist, determined to destroy this nation is some template of ‘Saul Alinsky’ make America such a mess it will collapse.

But have the Republicans took the bit between their teeth, and done the deed that needs to be done to restore this nation? I’d sure like to see one example that they have.

No they have the problem of politics; living under some illusion that the role of government is to ‘spend our borrowed money’. Whoever ran on this platform, and if they did, who in their right mind would have ever voted for them?

No we must send a message. But how do we do that?

We had a party that was trying to represent the ‘people’ but boy, when you open up the venue to anyone, and everything you sure get a crazy bunch of ideologies, some crazier than the administrations of destroying this nation.

Too many of us have rejected the Libertarian Party, and who can blame us? They were so ambitions in allowing so many to participate it resulted in what we today think of the Libertarians. As I’ve dealt with, and asked people about the Libertarians the answer is always the same. I believe in the Libertarian position, but ‘DRUGS’, ‘DRUGS’, ‘DRUGS’, I can never agree with.

Well there are many who are Libertarians believing the same way as you do. They as you acknowledge that yes, we have a problem with drugs, and as a nation, we must address it. And the reality, is that they take a stand more Republican, we must make sense out of our national regulations with drugs, to identify and correct the problems we have now. And I’m sure that there are many who realize that this ‘left handed’ way of allowing ‘medical marijuana’ isn’t going to be the answer.

But let’s get back to the ‘sending a message to our government’.

If the parties, both Republican, and Democrat have the same icon: the feral pigs switching positions on the trough of public expenditure, spending our national wealth, or worse yet the spending the borrowed debt in the name of the public commitment your children and their children will pay back.

Isn’t this a much clearer picture of the reality of our nation. and if we agree with Einstein, how do we send a message to Washington.

Those who spend their dollars to support politicians do so for a reason. That whatever they are for is something those who give money for also desire. It’s basic capitalism, we are all for ourselves. Today we have over 50% of the electorate who pay no taxes and vote. Now what are they voting for? Oh, I’m sure that their biggest concern is the amount of taxes they pay?

Let’s be real. They vote for what they can get from the government, not to defend what the government is taking from them.

We’ve all heard the statement "Democracy will last until the public realizes that it can vote itself largesse from the public trough".

What is that saying, simply, those who vote, to receive from the government are as all capitalist; in it for what they can get.

But Alexis de Tocqueville, often quoted as saying the above, said; ‘A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it.’

Now isn’t that a much scarier concept, for that implies all of those who vote, who vote for what they can receive, not what it will cost. A world where politicians live in some illusion that we can take it from the ‘rich folks’, as if they received their money by accident, printing it as the Government in some downstairs mint of creation. They do not vote for America, they vote for what party will give to them; the most horrible possible scenario.

In the 25th Congressional District of Texas, we have an opportunity to really make congress sit up and take notice, to send a message that will ring through though the halls of nations government that will make grown men fear. In fact we can send a message to Congress that will send shivers throughout the ranks of both political parties, and it’s so simple.

We have one candidate who is beholding to no one. He owes nothing to any who have paid into his campaign. For all they desire is to have honesty and straight forward truth. He is one of the people, one who knows about going to work daily. One who respects this nation, and knows the why, and the reason for why we have the guidance of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, to protect our ‘individual liberty’.

Who also refuses if elected to just roll over and abide by the stifling regulations designed to keep the façade of the political machine active, not in represent the desires of the people.

If you’d have the opportunity to listen to ‘Jim Stutsman’ you’d have the same conclusion. And if the Texas Congressional District 25, stood up and elected one not of the ‘feral pigs’ taking turns at the trough, think of the message.

It would tell Washington, wait a minute, is it possible that Americans are waking up? Could they be a little gun shy of the baloney we’ve been feeding them so long, that they’re actually waking up? Will we not be able to flood the airways, the TV, the cynical media of newsprint, and in our splendor of ‘American Idol’ politics let them know we are the chosen?

Just ask yourself this question? Why is it that the old reliable party politicians of the venerable ‘Republican Party’ are going down like sheaves of straw faced with a strong wind?

Could it be that the real Americans in this nation realize that we don’t need no ‘political party hacks’. We aren’t looking for those who are attempting to work into being one of the party. In fact the last thing we need is one who has those attitudes or ideas.

We are facing a new revolution, and if we are going to have a revolution, shouldn’t we first understand the first revolution this country had?
What was it the original revolution wanted? We hear the bull crap it was ‘taxation without representation’. Is there any who can possibly believe such ridiculous inanity? Think about it, why would have any in America wanted to have any representation in a government that had ‘absolute sovereignty’ over the rights of the people?

We did not believe in this concept, in fact our whole disagreement with the crown was the question: does any power of man on this earth have the right to dictate to us without our approval? Taking the concepts started in English Law just one more step. They said the government does not have a right to ‘steal’ from any man through taxation. We just wanted one more addition, and addition that was such a quantum leap; it defies any logic at the time. We do not believe that any power on this earth give us rights. We acknowledge, and accept that there is a higher power, but no man, no government has a right to dictate to us what we should do.

And what was the problems we were having starting all this hubabaloo? Taxation, and if we didn’t want to be taxed, why on this earth would we desire that we have a voice in a government that by ‘majority’ could dictate any tax they desired on the American people. Are we really that non-cognitive to even entertain this insanity taught by the ‘Dewey’ reinvention of history to promote a ‘Democracy’ of ‘Majority Vote’?

No, we rejected the ‘Sovereignty’ of any man as our superior. We rejected any governance that would tell us what we could or should do. Instead, we repudiated the concept. Instead, those of this nation confirmed that our ‘individual liberty’ came not from man, but from our God, a position of superiority from any man.

And we used the Bible as our template, creating a government of ‘Individual freedom’ based on this concept.

Let’s send a real message. Let’s show Washington that Texas has the same spirit that led to ‘Texas Declaration of Independence’, that when the governance of any nation is in opposition to the people, we will find representation that understands, and will never shrink from protecting Texan’s Rights.

It’s easy, it’s so simple in fact that Texas can turn the governance of this nation upside down. We can return representation to the people, and away from those of who through contributions control political power. And it will create a new awakening that will not stop ringing off the halls of congress until they turn back to governance, not social design, not increasing our debt, not ignoring our Constitution, not corrupting our supreme court, but actually preserving and advancing this wondrous, remarkable, inconceivable nation that is the greatest experiment ever for mans governance.

And we will as Lincoln wished, insure that this nation, for the people, by the people, and of the people shall not perish from the earth.

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